Securing the Boot/Bonnet:

So after debating everything from leather straps to hood pins, I finally figured out what my secondary securing mounts will be on the mini. For the hood/bonnet, I will use the large rubber hooks I was originally planning on using at the A-pillars to secure the flip front. As for the rear, I’m going to go creative and use the rubber hook from a moke. I have seen both used in this way before and I love the way it looks. It’s vintage racer for sure.


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As it currently stands, the mini is set to be built without arches on 10×5 mini special wheels. This gives it a nice poke and it is overall appealing but part of me wonders if having Force Racing turn them into split wheels wouldn’t be a bad thing. Then I can have them turned into 10×6, or even 10×7 and put them under miglia or sportpack arches. We cut off the rear valance/seam but are planning on fabricating brackets to hold the bumper and a new valance back on. So either option would work in theory but it comes down in the end to money. Is it worth 264 pounds + shipping to do so? And that isn’t even accounting for the cost of the arches…

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